Benvenuto sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, conosciuto anche come Portale mef

Contenuto principale

Calendario eventi Finance Track


G20 Italy

Persone, pianeta e prosperità: il G20 Finanze italiano

Nel corso dell’anno, nell’ambito del Finance Track, si tengono quattro riunioni dei ministri delle finanze e cinque dei deputies finanziari.

Il 9 e 10 luglio a Venezia si è tenuto l’incontro dei ministri dell’economia e delle finanze.
Il 30 e 31 ottobre a Roma è in programma il segmento Ministeriale congiunto MEF Salute in occasione del Vertice dei Capi di Stato e di Governo.

Dicembre 2020

3dic Finance Track Workshop on Country Platforms
14dic 1st Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
17dic 1st International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting

Gennaio 2021

12gen 1st Framework Working Group Meeting
21-22gen 1st Sherpa Meeting
25-26gen 1st Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
G20 Priorities-related Symposium on “Opportunities and Challenges of Digitalisation in light of Covid-19 Crisis”
26-27gen 1st Health Working Group Meeting
28-29gen 1st Education Working Group Meeting

Febbraio 2021

4feb Infrastructure Working Group Workshop
4feb Framework Working Group Workshop
4-5feb 2nd Framework Working Group Meeting
8-9feb 1st Digital Economy Task Force Meeting
9feb 2nd Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
10feb 1st Academics informal gathering
15-16-17feb 1st Employment Working Group Meeting
18-19feb 2nd International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting
22-23feb 1st Culture Working Group Meeting
24-25feb 1st Development Working Group Meeting
26feb 1st Finance Ministers and Central Banks Governors Meeting

Marzo 2021

2-3mar 1st Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting
4-5mar 1st Tourism Working Group Meeting
10marWebinar - The Public Health Officer Platform (PHOP): a training initiative for preparedness and response to a health crisis
15mar Infrastructure Working Group Workshop
18-19mar2nd Digital Economy Task Force Meeting
18mar 3rd Framework Working Group Meeting
22-23mar3rd Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
22-23mar 1st Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting
24mar 1st Environment Deputy Meeting
24-25mar1st Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting
24-25mar 3rd International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting
25-26mar2nd Health Working Group Meeting
29-1mar-apr1st Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting

Aprile 2021

1-2apr 2nd Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
7apr 2nd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting
9apr Culture Preparatory Meeting on Protection of Cultural Heritage and Fighting Illicit trafficking of cultural property
12apr Culture Preparatory Meeting on Addressing the Climate crisis through culture
13apr Culture Preparatory Meeting on Building capacity through training and education
15apr 1stAfrica Advisory Group Meeting
14-15-16apr 2nd Employment Working Group Meeting
19-20apr 1st Agriculture Deputies Meeting
21aprAgricultural Market Information System (AMIS) Meeting
22-23apr 2nd Culture Working Group Meeting
26-27apr 2nd Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting
28apr 2nd Environment Deputy Meeting
29apr 2nd Tourism Working Group Meeting
30aprInfrastructure Working Group Workshop on Circular Economy

Maggio 2021

3-4mag2nd Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting
4mag Tourism Ministers’ Meeting
5mag 4th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
6-7mag 2nd Sherpa Meeting
11TBCmag Finance Track Seminar on “Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee”
13-14mag 2nd Education Working Group Meeting
17-18mag 3rd Digital Economy Task Force Meeting
19mag 2ndAcademics informal gathering
21magGlobal Health Summit
24-25mag 2nd Development Working Group Meeting
25magInternational Financial Architecture Workshop
26-27TBCmag 4th International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting
26-27mag 3rd Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting
28-29mag 3rd Environment Deputy meeting

Giugno 2021

4giu G20 High-level Conference on Public-Private Infrastructure Investment with D20-LTIC and OECD Global Infrastructure- Investment Forum
8TBCgiu 5th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
9-10giu 4th Environment Deputy Meeting
12giuU20 Summit
14giuFramework Working Group Workshop
14-15giu4th Framework Working Group Meeting
15-16giu MACS – Meeting of Agriculture Chief Scientists
17-18giu 3rd Health Working Group Meeting
21-24giu2nd Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting
21-22giu3rd Employment Working Group Meeting
21-22giu3rd Education Working Group Meeting
22giu Education Ministers’ Meeting
23giuLabor and Employment and Education Joint Ministerial Session
23giu Labor and Employment Ministers’ Meeting
23giuGlobal Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Workshop
24-25giu 2nd Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Meeting
29giuForeign Affairs Ministers’ Meeting
29giu Foreign and Development Joint Ministerial Session and ad hoc Development Session
30giuMinisterial Event on humanitarian assistance

Luglio 2021

1-2lug3rd Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
5-8lug 2nd Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting
Third final plenary event
Making women’s leadership happen: the role of the private sector
7lug Public Health Workforce: A Laboratorium for improving training in prevention, preparedness, and response to health crises
8-9lug OECD Global Forum on Productivity
9lugG20 ETWG - CSWG extraordinary sessions - Negotiations on the Communiqué and outcome documents
9lug International Taxation Symposium
9-10lug3rd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting
11lugG20 Venice Conference on Climate
12-13lug2rd Sherpa Meeting
13-14lug 2nd Agriculture Deputies Meeting
13-14-15lugW20 Summit
16lug 4th Culture Working Group
16TBClug SFWG - Roadmap Consultation
19-23lug Y20 Summit
20-21lug4th Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting
21lug 4th Environment Deputy Meeting
22lugEnvironment Ministers’ Meeting
23lug Climate and Energy Joint Ministerial Session
27lug3rd Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting
27-28lug3rd Development Working Group Meeting
29-30lugCulture Ministers’ Meeting

Agosto 2021

4ago 4th Digital Economy Task Force Meeting
4ago 3rd Academics informal gathering
5ago Digital Economy Ministers’ Meeting
5ago Digital Economy and Research Joint Ministerial Session
6ago Research Ministers’ Meeting
26ago International Conference on Women’s Empowerment

Settembre 2021

1-2set MACS Seminars “Resilience and risks management”
3set COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health (G20 Health track side event)
4set 4th Health Working Group Meeting
5-6set Health Ministers’ Meeting
7set Public Health Workforce: A Laboratorium for improving training in prevention, preparedness, and response to health crises
11set FSB Steering Committee Meeting
12-13-14setG20 Interfaith Forum
13set Workshop TBC
13-14set 4th Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
13-14set 4th Development Working Group Meeting
15-16set 3rd Sherpa Meeting
16set Open Forum on Sustainable Agriculture
17set 4th Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting
17-18set Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting
20-21TBCset 6th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
22-24set S20 and SSH20 back-to-back Summits
24TBCset 6th International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group Meeting
24set Financing infrastructure for the recovery: the role of public-private cooperation to ensure a long-term sustainable growth D20-LTIC/CDP
25set Workshop on GFSN and RFA coordination
27-28set Conference on Cross-border Payments (TBC)
27set High Level Conference on Local Infrastructure
28-29set 6th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
28-30set 3rdAnti-Corruption Working Group Meeting

Ottobre 2021

4-6ottT20 Summit
4-5ott Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion High Level Symposium
5-6TBCott 6th International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting
5-6ottC20 Summit
6-7ott3rd Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Plenary Meeting
7-8ottB20 Summit
9-10ott G20 Innovation League
10-11ott 3rd Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting
12ottTrade Ministers’ Meeting
13TBDott 2nd Africa Advisory Group
14-15ott 5th Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
15-16ott 4th Finance Ministers and Central Banks Governors Meeting
19-20TBDott Public Health Workforce: A Laboratorium for improving training in prevention, preparedness, and response to health crises
27-28ott L20 Summit
27-28-29ott 4th Sherpa Meeting including a Joint Meeting with the Finance Deputies
29 or 30ott Joint Finance and Health Ministers’ Meeting (Finance Ministers in-person, Health Ministers on VTC)
30-31ott G20 LEADERS’ SUMMIT

Novembre 2021

4-5NOV G20 Data Gaps Initiative – Second phase

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