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In Italy the 7th OECD World Forum on Well-being

 May 21, 2024

1200 participants from all over the world, 3 days of debates and comparisons, 110 speakers, 1000 connections to Live From the Forum, the web TV dedicated to the topics under discussion. These are the figures of the 7th edition of the OECD World Forum on Well-being, the OECD World Forum, promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Statistics Institute (ISTAT), held in Rome from November 4 to 6 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone.

The event is part of the activities in the G7 Finance Track in the year of the Italian Presidency and aims to promote, at an international level, the adoption of frameworks for the formulation of evidence-based policies centred around the achievement of equitable and sustainable well-being. It will look at practice examples, both during the design and forecasting phase as well as during the phase of evaluation and impacts analysis.

High-level representatives from G7 financial economic organisations, policy makers, statisticians, academics and experts from the private sector, civil society and other sectors, during the five round tables, discussed topics such as: the development of policy frameworks oriented towards equitable and sustainable well-being, the measurement and statistical methodology as well as analysis of well-being indicators, climate change, technological innovation and the use of artificial intelligence, and the next steps in the well-being agenda. Other topics addressed, and of a transversal nature, included gender inequalities, inequalities and poverty, physical and mental health, and ageing population.

Italy is the first among EU and G7 member countries to have included in its Economic and Financial Planning Documents (EFD and its Updates), since 2017, twelve indicators of Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (Benessere equo e sostenibile, or BES, in Italian). By doing so, Italy ensures a systematic high-level monitoring of the well-being conditions of the Italian population, underpinned by statistical updates of ISTAT, as well as the evaluation of measures adopted to reach the 2030 Agenda objectives.

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Best of the 7th OECD World Forum on Well-being | Rome, 4-6 November 2024
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