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An overview of reforms

 January 23, 2018

Below are some brief summaries of the main economic and financial reform initiatives. Each brochure is accompanied by data and graphs that help place these actions in their proper context. They also feature a general overview of the measures implemented so far. Texts are periodically updated to reflect innovations as they are introduced.


Finance for Growth

Presents the “Finance for Growth” programme, which aims to broaden and simplify access to credit for businesses, create a more favourable investment environment, and facilitate the capitalization and listing of businesses on the stock market. An integral part of the plan are incentives for productive investments, such as the recent 250% bonus established by the 2017 Stability Law, in addition to the individual savings plans (PIR), which encourage the investment of private savings in small and medium enterprises.

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Italy's Reforms

Provides a general overview of the reforms adopted by the Government. It is divided in two sections: the first illustrates fiscal policy initiatives that aim to reduce debt and deficit in order to spur growth; the second traces the re-organization of the banking system and the introduction of “GACS”, in addition to reforms of the labour market, civil justice, and public administration.

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Boost competitiveness, attract foreign capital

Describes the measures implemented to attract foreign capital while improving the investment environment in Italy. Starting with the privatisation plan, the document describes the sectorial and fiscal investments to stimulate growth, development, and innovation, in addition to the measures to attract foreign investors. It also details some of the main mergers and acquisitions.

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Resilient and Modern banks to finance growth

Illustrates the reform of the banking sector, beginning with the provisions adopted in January 2015. Describes the process for transforming cooperative banks and the new structure for banking foundations. There is a specific section on measures for non-performing credits, including the GACS guarantee mechanism and norms to speed up the disposal of such loans from the balance sheet of banks.

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Tax Reform

Introduces the tax reforms, which aims to innovate and simplify, increase collaboration with taxpayers, and reduce litigation. The digitization of procedures and the introduction of a pre-filled tax form help meet the first objective. Collaboration becomes simpler through the introduction of clearer rules for interpellations and facilitations for major taxpayers. Trial reform and the reform of the penal tributary system, together with incentives for arbitration, ensure the reduction of litigation.

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Italy is now and next: attracting human capital

Italy is the place for new ambitions! The country offers a radically improved business environment, built upon bold government reforms and Italian business dynam px-0ism. Recent reforms are modernizing the labour market, simplifying administrative and judicial procedures, lowering the tax burden on firms, boosting investment and innovation, further opening the capital markets.

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