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- Poste Italiane: assignment of bonus shares


Press release N° 210 of 12/30/2016

We hereby inform that under today’s Public Offering a total of 5,734,850 Poste Italiane S.p.A Ordinary Shares , stock ticker symbol ISIN IT0003796171, have been assigned to the Share assignees who have maintained continuous and full ownership of said Shares for twelve months after the Payment Date (i.e. from 27 October 2015), on condition that the shares have remained deposited with a Dealer or with any other institution that is also a member of the Monte Titoli S.p.A.

The Bonus Shares are made available by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Selling Shareholder, in the amount of 5,483,814 Ordinary Shares for the general public and 251,036 Ordinary Shares for the Employees of Poste Italiane S.p.A.

Consequently to the offering of the bonus shares by the Selling Shareholder, the floating capital of Poste Italiane S.p.A amounts to 35.74% of its capital stock.

The capital stock of Poste Italiane S.p.A. remains unvaried and amounts to a total of Euro 1,306,110,000.00, subdivided in 1,306,110,000 no-par value ordinary shares.

For more information:

Poste Italiane S.p.A. – Press Office
Pierpaolo Cito
Head of the Press Office
Tel. +39 0659589008

Poste Italiane S.p.A. – Investor Relations
Luca Torchia
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +39 0659589421
