Benvenuto sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, conosciuto anche come Portale mef
Italian Government

Contenuto principale

- Buyback auction of Government bonds


Press release N° 271 of 12/01/2014

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) announces that on December 3, 2014, a buyback competitive auction of Government bonds will take place at the Bank of Italy, using cash surpluses available on the Treasury account.

The following bonds will be subject to buyback:

  • IT0004805070 BTP 01 Mar 2015, coupon 2.50%
  • IT0004404965 CCT 01 Sep 2015
  • IT0004917792 BTP 15 May 2016, coupon 2.25%
  • IT0004518715 CCT 01 Jul 2016
  • IT0005023459 BTP 15 May 2017, coupon 1.15%

The Specialists in Government bonds will be allowed to submit up to five offers for each bond, that shall be sent electronically to the Bank of Italy through the National Interbank Network, by 11 a.m. of December 3, 2014 according to the terms and conditions defined by the same Bank of Italy for buyback auctions.
Offers must be comprehensive of nominal amount and price of the bond on repurchase.
The prices indicated may vary by a minimum of 1 thousandth and the nominal amount of each offer shall not be less than 1 million euro.
The MEF retains the option to reject offers at prices not deemed favourable.
The transaction will be settled on December 5, 2014.

Rome 12/01/2014