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- Public Administration assets: the 2012 project for the recording of assets is underway. End-of-January deadline for obligatory submission of state-owned assets data


Press release N° 4 of 01/13/2012

The Undersecretary Polillo: "Of the approximately 11thousand public administration departments involved, half have yet to register. The completion of the project, with the recording and valuing of state assets calls for the cooperation of all."

The Treasury Dept. of the Ministry of Economy and Finance is heading the project which aims to make a detailed recording of the Assets of Public Administration depts. by the end of 2012. Under Decree Law no. 216 of 29 December 2011, there are new deadlines for submitting data on real estate assets, licenses and shareholdings of central and local Public Administration departments. The project, which kicked off in February 2010 in accordance with article 2, par. 222 of Law 191/2009, sets out to compile a yearly record of government assets and to value the same at fair market prices.

"This is an innovative and ambitious project - states Gianfranco Polillo, Undersecretary to the Ministry of the Economy - which sets out to systematically record the assets of all public administration depts. The setting up of a clear recording system for such assets - which are to be assigned a fair market value - lies at the heart of a careful ‘state property' management system whereby resources and services will be re-organised and better managed and significant cost-savings achieved; in addition, the aim is to prevent a ‘sell-off'. This project calls for the cooperation of all Administration departments and for the sharing of objectives, principles and management models. A little under half the departments concerned have yet to register on the Portal that has been set up for this project: without a doubt, a satisfactory result, though the response rate needs to increase, if we want to achieve a better system and a clear understanding of current state heritage".

With reference to the forwarding of data, Administration depts. that have yet to register must promptly do so on the Portal of the Treasury and identify a data communication manager, in respect of each asset (Real Estate Assets, Licenses, Shareholdings), pursuant to art. 12, par. 13, of Decree Law no. 98/2011, enacted, with changes, by Law no. 111/2011; non-compliant Administrations will be reported to the State Auditors' Court. Users who registered on the Portal before the transfer to the new platform, implemented on 7 November 2011, must access promptly the Treasury's new Portal at

Information on the project, registration terms and communication of data are available in the public sections of the Treasury's Portal, at "Filings and Deadlines " and "User Assistance" and, by accessing the restricted area of the Portal, in the welcome pages of the single modules.

Compared to last year, there are new deadlines for the 2012 filings. In particular, the deadline for submitting data on shareholdings of Administration depts as at 2009 is 31 January this year.

Here below is a detailed list of the 2012 deadlines for submitting data on the assets of Public Administration depts.:


· By 31 January 2012, submission of data on shareholdings held as at 31 December 2009.

· February and April 2012, submission of data on shareholdings held as at 31 December 2010.

· May - July 2012, submission of data on shareholdings held as at 31 December 2011.

REAL ESTATE ASSETS: The deadline for submitting data on real estate assets, as at 31 December 2011, is 31 July 2012.

LICENSES: The deadline for submitting data on licenses, as at 31 December 2011, is 31 July 2012.

Rome 01/13/2012