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- Website for the OECD World Forum on Well-being hosted in Rome from 4 to 6 November now online

The event is part of the G7 Finance Track activities promoted by the Government in the year of the Italian Presidency

Press release N° 51 of 04/22/2024

Rome, 22 April 2024 - The Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) announce the launch of the website dedicated to the seventh edition of the OECD World Forum on Well-being, entitled "Strengthening Well-being Approaches for a Changing World", which will be hosted in Rome from 4 to 6 November 2024 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone.

The event is part of the activities in the G7 Finance Track promoted by the Government in the year of the Italian Presidency of the G7 and aims to promote, at an international level, the adoption of frameworks for the formulation of policies that are attentive to fair and sustainable well-being, formulated on the basis of statistical data and precise empirical analyses, also looking at international best practices, both during the design and impact forecasting phase as well as during the phase of evaluation and analysis when looking at the results achieved.

The Forum, which returns to Italy 20 years after its début, will include the participation of high-level representatives from G7 financial economic organisations, policy makers, statisticians, academics and experts from the private sector, civil society and other sectors who, during the five round tables, will discuss topics such as: the development of policy frameworks oriented towards equitable and sustainable well-being, the measurement and statistical methodology as well as analysis of well-being indicators, climate change, technological innovation and the use of artificial intelligence, and the next steps in the well-being agenda. Other topics to be addressed, and of a transversal nature, will include gender inequalities, inequalities and poverty, physical and mental health, and ageing population. Through a mixture of high-level panels, parallel sessions, technical workshops and interactive discussions, participants will have the opportunity to gain concrete knowledge, and to advance the international agenda on equitable and sustainable well-being together.

An overview of the agenda which will be updated on a continual basis, is available at: Requests for participation to the Forum will remain open on the site until all available places are filled.

Rome 04/22/2024
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