Benvenuto sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, conosciuto anche come Portale mef
Italian Government

Contenuto principale



Press release N° 18 of 01/31/2009

With regard to funds allocated to local authorities (regions, provinces and municipalities) for public works, the Treasury Ministry reports as follows:

1) In 2008, the funding of public works by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti was double the amount allocated in the previous year. Public funding amounted to 8,046 million euro, while, in 2007, the figure was 4,220 million euro.

Over 6 billion euro were allocated to local authorities. Specifically, 3,186 million to the Regioni, 3.221 million to the Province and Comuni; 247 million euro to other public agencies.

For the structural upgrading of school buildings, the Cdp provided, for the year 2008, 128.4 million euro, a distinct increase compared to the 34 million euro of 2007.

Compatibly with the trend in public finance, the funding of public works will be further increased in 2009.

Rome 01/31/2009