Il testo dell'articolo è il risultato di una procedura di conversione testuale automatica che può generare degli errori nel testo. Source : Financial Times Page of Review : 1 Page of Document : 1 Page of NewsPaper : 13 Category :ECONOMIA E POL. INTERNA Author : RASSEGNA FLASH Abstract : Europe needs a single fìnancial rulebook Tommaso Padoa-Schloppa "last week the European Union fìnance mmisters decided that co-operation In fìnancial regu-J—^IatioQ and supervision shouid be atreagtheneti. They willlook at thè issue again in Aprii. Indeed, time is running out to show that thè evolution towards tuli co-operation can meet thè chalienge of Europe's fìnancial integration and that thè revotution of creatine a single supervisory authority is there-fare not necessary. Thè recent financial turmoil has con-finned thè shortcoarings of thè current system.. In thè monetary field, thè European Centrai Bank aeted quìckiy and decisively, getting high nlarks even trom tbose who had iong questìoned ita ability to manage a crisis. Thè European supervisory function, on thè con-trary, has been almost absent. Even with signs of a clear risk of contagion, no conunon analysis of thè situatìon, no aharing of confldential information, no co-ordinated communicatìon and no emergency meetings appear to nave taken piace among EU supervisors. fiven thè ECB, uniike thè Federai Reserve, Ìacked thè informatioa on thè soundness of counterparties normally : avallante to national centrai banks. thè severe judgment expressed lasi : June by thè Internatìonal Monetary Fund was confinned: in crisis situa-tions, European supervisora may take a narrow national perspective and resist poòling cruciai information that wouid : aid conunon action. In spite of progress: in recent years,thè system is stili una-Me to respond effectively to thè chal-lenges of a largely integrated market. Coniioon principles bave been devel-pped, but thè convergence ot day-by-day practice has lagged behind. A banking group providing finandai serv-icea in, say, 10 countries must fultil 10 different reporting systems and capitai In cristo «Ituatlon», may take • mirrow rortiomil pi-spectiv and rutot poòling Infonnatton requirements, although they ali stem from thè same European directives, Current arrangéments for coordinat-ing national supervisory activitiea are overly complex and bùnieosome. They bave proved incapable of ensuring effi-cient area-wide supervisory teamworit during a crisis. There Is no aingte piace in thè EU where thè same eyes can; simultaneously look at tìie reported' data concerning thè two or three doz-ens of EU-wide institutions. whose; tightìy woven network of operatióna, creates a potential tor cross-border contagion and systemic risk. We speak so much ot superviston, but this Ìs neither2 "vision" nor "super". Moreover, as market integration streagthens, competitioo among national exchanges and fìnancial institutions puts pressure on national regu-lators to obtain privileged treatments within thè wìde range of options offered by European legislation and supervisory standards. Thia faas two regrettable conse" quences. It creates as extra regulatory burden entailing a ìoss of;colnpetitive" ness for Europe'a finaneial industry and it offers ìnadequate protection for inveatore. We must theretore now act decisively to eohance Eurcs>®an supervisory structures. This appHes In par-ticular to thè euro «rèa, where a single payment iafrastnicture, a smgle liquid-ity souree and interconnected iender of last resort functions are m piace. Strengtheuing thè supervfeory struo ture for muìtìnational financial institutions means achieving two resulta: a single European rulebook aimedat ensuring equaì treatment, low coats oi. compliance and thè removal of regola-tory arbitrage; and an mtegrated super-visloo of EU-wide groups, resting on a. complete poòling of inftatnation and thè enhancement of thè pòwers of thè colleges of supervisorB. iSuch progress wouid not reaùire thè revolutionary step of creating a European supervisor, twin to thè ECB, as advocated by some; large market playere. It wouid b& entirely evolutionary - taking seriously: thè proposais made seven years ago by thè Lamtalussy group, which received: high praise but scant impìementatlon. What we need is active goodwill by' existìng bodies and minor ad^ustmenta to thè Community legislatìon. Natiooàl authorities wouid not be deprìved ot thè responslhility for decisions affect* ing financial instìtutions; they wouid sùhply be calied to act on enhanced co-operation. Thè argument that such a step wouid not be feasible witeout a prior agree-, ment on bow to share thè burden of a possible systeraic crisis is not just invalid, It is irresponsible. It amounts to thè dismaying conclusion that no such agreement is llhely to nave been reached once tiie tìme of crisis comes; A change of gear is urgent to cope wltS a rapidly Integrating European financial system. Oniy politicai impetua from govemments can bring it about. Thè writer is Italy's economy and ftnartce minister'