The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) will sponsor the 7th OECD World Forum on Well-being, that will be hosted in Rome from 4 to 6 November 2024.
The initiative, taking place the year Italy will chair the G7, aims to promote internationally the adoption of policies fostering well-being, sustainability and the reduction of inequalities. These policies systematically draw from statistical data and other forms of high-quality evidence, as well as international best practice, to shape decision-making and implementation throughout the policy cycle – from design to impact evaluation.
The Forum will be a platform for dialogue between policy, academia, civil society, institutions and the private sector, and will provide an opportunity to assess the progress made by the international community in measuring inclusive and sustainable well-being. Italy is the first among EU and G7 member countries to have included in its Economic and Financial Planning Documents (EFD and its Updates), since 2017, twelve indicators of Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (Benessere equo e sostenibile, or BES, in Italian). By doing so, Italy ensures a systematic high-level monitoring of the well-being conditions of the Italian population, underpinned by statistical updates of ISTAT, as well as the evaluation of measures adopted to reach the 2030 Agenda objectives.