Benvenuto sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, conosciuto anche come Portale mef
Italian Government

Contenuto principale

- Buy Back Transactions through the Government Bond Sinking Fund


Press release N° 165 of 11/22/2012

The Ministry of Economy and Finance announces that the following Government bonds' buy back market transactions have been executed through the Sinking Fund. To this end apposite mandate has been conferred to intermediaries belonging to the Specialists in Government bonds, according to article 48, paragraph 2, letter a) of Decree 30 December 2003, n. 398.

The below mentioned bonds have been repurchased:

Security Typology Issuance/Maturity Date Settlement Date ISIN Code Purchased Nominal Amount (Euro)
CCT 01.09.2008 - 2015 23.11.2012 IT0004404965 200,000,000.00
CCTeu 15.04.2011 - 2018 23.11.2012 IT0004716319 250,000,000.00

After the buy back transactions, the stock of the Government Bond Sinking Fund equals approximately € 360 millions.

Roma 11/22/2012