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- The Treasury targets online retail platform for BTP market


Press release N° 169 of 10/28/2011

Ways are being sought to sell government bonds directly to retail investors through online trading systems in cooperation with Borsa Italiana

The Treasury Department is looking into new ways of placing government bonds, which could consequently be purchased when issued without having to physically go to a bank, through banking online trading systems operating within the Electronic Government Bond and Securities Market (MOT ) platform of Borsa Italiana - London Stock Exchange Group.

Increasingly utilised by those individual investors that prefer to make their own investment decisions, trading online systems will be used by the Treasury as an effective means to maximise the placing of government bonds and to reward, through schemes that are currently being studied by experts, the loyalty of smaller investors.

"Italian savers have a long tradition in buying government bonds," Maria Cannata, in charge of public debt management at the Treasury, said in a seminar focusing on this topic which was held in the course of the ninth Trading Online Expo of Borsa Italiana, the event addressing professional traders and small investors. "While demand, both institutional and private, has satisfactorily supported government bond issues also at times of turbulent international markets, the challenges posed by the market, as well as continuing technological development, demand constant improvement. As investment trends change, our offer too must evolve because we must not lose savers but reward their loyalty. We hope this project will herald a new phase in the links with private investors through a more direct relationship and by providing a response to the need for information and a stronger protection of private saving."

"We are very pleased about the intention on the part of the Treasury to sell government bonds directly to retail investors through the MOT," Borsa Italiana CEO Raffaele Jerusalmi said. "It is a truly innovative project highlighting the attention shown by the Treasury for all investors, including private investors who will thus be given the opportunity to buy financial instruments that have a wide following and diffusion. This is the initial phase of a broader cooperation that also envisages a series of initiatives designed to foster financial education. It is also a significant acknowledgement of the work carried out by Borsa Italiana in these past years, a commitment that has turned MOT into the biggest electronic retail market for government bonds in Europe both in terms of transactions and market value."

ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT BOND AND SECURITIES MARKET (MOT - Mercato dei Titoli di Stato e delle Obbligazioni)

MOT is Italy's only regulated market authorised to buy and sell, through its two segments DomesticMOT and EuroMot, Italian and foreign government securities, domestic and international bank and corporate bonds, bonds issued by supranational entities and asset backed securities.

In the first ten months of 2011, the MOT of Borsa Italiana recorded 3,375,684 transactions corresponding to a market value of approximately € 154 billion. MOT has confirmed its position as the biggest electronic retail market for government bonds in Europe both in terms of transactions and market value.


Borsa Italiana

Anna Mascioni/Federica Marotti

Tel. +39 02 72426.212


Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (MEF)

Ufficio Stampa

Tel. +39 06 4761.4360-4467-4605

Rome 10/28/2011