Benvenuto sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, conosciuto anche come Portale mef
Italian Government

Contenuto principale

- Minister Tremonti did not talk to the press yesterday. All statements attributed to him are therefore without foundation.


Press release N° 178 of 11/09/2011

"Today, in an article appearing in La Nazione - il Resto del Carlino - Il Giorno titled "Pdl (n.d.t. The People of Liberty Party) on the verge of a nervous breakdown - Tremonti: <Yes to a caretaker government>", Minister Tremonti is attributed a number of statements, they include: <A caretaker government is needed such as will show, in Europe, that Italy agrees on a rigorous approach>.
Yesterday, Minister Tremonti did not talk to the press. Consequently, anything attributed to him is without foundation". Thus declared the Spokesperson of Economy and Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti.

Rome 11/09/2011