Benvenuto sul sito del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, conosciuto anche come Portale mef
Italian Government

Contenuto principale



Press release N° 52 of 04/01/2009

The state sector borrowing requirement on a provisional basis for the month of March 2009 was around 14,500 million, around 2,800 million higher than the figure of 11,700 million for March 2008.

In the first three months of 2009 a total requirement of around 29,700 million was recorded, around 9,000 million higher than the figure of 20,790 million for the same period in 2008.


Compared to March 2008, the requirement for the month of March 2009 reflects over 2,000 million less revenue in tax and an increase in public administration payments - amongst other things, as a result of an acceleration on the part of tax collection agencies in making tax refunds - and withdrawals from the state treasury by local authorities.

The balance for the month also included the family bonus' payments as provided for by Article 1 of Law by Decree No. 185/2008 converted into Law No. 2/2009.

Of the entries making up the requirement, those that have increased have, in part, been compensated for by the fact that advance payments of around 1,300 million in March 2008 to regional authorities to settle health service debts relating to previous years, being payments made pursuant to the 2008 Finance Act, do not feature in the figures for March of this year.

Rome 04/01/2009