Following the press release of 2 April 2009, the Ministry for the Economy and Finance (MEF) announces the amount of BTP to be offered at the auction of 9 April.
- Long-Term Treasury Bonds (Buoni Del Tesoro Poliennali - BTP):
start date / maturity: 15 December 2008 / 15 December 2013; seventh tranche
nominal amount of the issue:
from a minimum of € 2,750 million to a maximum of € 3,500 million
start date / maturity: 1 February 2008 / 1 August 2023; tenth tranche
nominal amount of the issue:
from a minimum of € 2,000 million to a maximum of € 3,000 million
- Off-the-run Long-Term Treasury Bonds (Buoni Del Tesoro Poliennali - BTP):
start date / maturity: 1 February 2003 / 2019; eleventh tranche
start date / maturity: 1 November 1998 / 2029; thirty-third tranche
total amount for the two issues:
from a minimum of € 1,500 million to a maximum of € 3,000 million.
The supplementary auction will be held on 14 April 2009 at 3.30 PM, in view of the fact that next 10 April is a rest day in the TARGET system.