Further to the press release of 19 December 2008, the MEF announces the amount of CCTs (Treasury Credit Certificates) and BTPs (Long Term Treasury Bonds) to be auctioned on 30 December 2008.
- Treasury Credit Certificates
start date / maturity: 1st September 2008/2015; seventh tranche
nominal amount of issue:
from a minimum of 500 million euro to a maximum of 1,000 million euro
- Long Term Treasury Bonds
start date / maturity: 1st September 2008/2011; ninth tranche
nominal amount of issue:
from a minimum of 1,500 million euro to a maximum of 2,000 million euro
start date / maturity: 1st September 2008/1 st March 2019; fifth tranche
nominal amount of issue:
from a minimum of 2,500 million euro to a maximum of 3,000 million euro