Further to the press release of 4 December 2008, the MEF announces the amount of BTPs to be offered at the auction of 12 December 2008.
- on-the-run BTPs (Long Term Treasury Bonds):
start date - maturity: 1 February 2008/1 August 2023; sixth tranche
nominal amount of issue:
from a minimum of 750 million euro to a maximum of 1,500 million euro
- off-the-run BTPs (Long Term Treasury Bonds):
start date - maturity: 15 April 2007/2012; thirteenth tranche
start date - maturity: 1 February 2004/1 August 2014; seventeenth tranche
overall amount, for the two issues:
from a minimum of 1,500 million euro to a maximum of 2,500 million euro
As previously announced, all of the above-mentioned bonds will be placed using the uniform-price auction mechanism, with allotment price and issuance amount being set discretionally.