Rome, September 23, 2017 – Following a proposal by Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni and Minister of the Economy and Finance Pier Carlo Padoan, the Cabinet adopted the Update Note of the 2017 DEF (Economic and Financial Document) and the annexed 'Report to Parliament' drawn up in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 6 of Law No. 243 of 2012. The Update Note of the DEF, a preliminary budget document, which has to be submitted to Parliament by October 20, contains updates of government estimates of the macroeconomic framework for the current year and the next three years as well as policy objectives.
- Update of the economic and financial document 2017 (Italian version)
- Report to Parliament 2017 (Italian version)
- Leggi pluriennali Vol. 1 (Italian version)
- Leggi pluriennali Vol. 2 (Italian version)
- Rapporto evasione 2017 (Italian version)
- Rapporto interventi su spese fiscali (Italian version)
- Relazione sull’economia non osservata e sull’evasione fiscale e contributiva anno 2017 (Italian version)